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RYA Club Affiliation
Number: 008110946

Welcome to the second Penguin Cruising Club Newsletter. I’m glad to say the feedback has all been positive from the first newsletter – I’m hoping it will stay that way!! However I must make apologies to all those who were unable to read it – there are at least 36 whose email addresses rejected me, and more for who we have no email details. I suspect many addresses will have altered since our records were made. Please keep us updated so we can reach as many members electronically as we can.


This Newsletter comes earlier than my previously planned July date for one main reason: Kevin’s 90th and the Penguin 20th Birthday Bash at Llangorse. I felt a reminder was timely. We have at least 16 families – nearly 50 people booked, but still have spare capacity, and I know some people have intimated to me that they might come but have not sent me a form. The details are on the website – link http://www.penguin.org.uk/newcruises/family.htm although as I write there is a temporary glitch that David has promised to sort (Sorted! - DN). You will have had a form with the mailing, or telephone me on 01684 541144, or email jp@(remove this)colwall.me.uk Please remove the words in brackets when you use the email - I’m being hit by spamming from the website. Simon Hamilton is masterminding the catering, so an idea of numbers aids vitualling. We are in a private paddock, with facilities, and have reserved a Wayfarer, 2 Toppers, and 3 Canadian canoes on the lake on Saturday. Don’t forget a memory or a photo for a "Kevin memory lane" display. There will be a cocktail night on Friday night (bring interesting booze!), boating and countryside activities on Saturday, followed by a group meal with included refreshments (with draught beer) on the Saturday night. Do come -- the more the merrier. PLEASE let us know if you can come as soon as possible – I need to have an idea of numbers!


David Newman has updated the website – do visit it. It has a new look, and we are in the process of uploading new pictures, logs, and links. We do apologise for some bits that don’t work properly yet, and there are no full contact details for the committee at this time – be patient, all will be revealed in technicolour in due course! Meanwhile, thanks to David.


The worthy Jonathan Walton queried my statement that the club has its roots in 1963 – he says Kevin hadn’t even started sailing then!! My source was our own Penguin Sailing Handbook, 1st Edition March 1989. Can anybody throw more light? Answers on a postcard. Or email might be easier.


Lyn Ballard’s Brittany Beat is the next event after the Birthday Bash – and then Graham Room’s Faroes Foray. David Newman’s Easter Escapade was a great success – I’m told they enjoyed cold, but beautiful weather. Three boats – a Westerly Typhoon 37, Moody 36, and a baby Westerly 33 especially for Richard Gatley as the Commodore Afloat (to make sure he didn’t get ideas above his station) were chartered from Dunstaffnage, and cruised around including the Ardmore Islands, Jura, Coll, Tinker’s Hole (avoiding Penguin Rock this time), and Mull, including Tobermory. Full details will be supplied at the AGM. Well done all.



Lyn Ballard writes: You mentioned you were putting out a letter on the Penguin web site or was it a wide ranging e-mail. Anyway if info is going around Penguin members I would very much like to include the following plug for my July trip to Scotland.
ONE place available on 1 week private (not Club organised) cruise out of Oban, 19 to 26 July.
Mixture of exploring as conditions allow and training for anyone wanting to progress
to more RYA qualifications. 3 crew plus Yachtmaster skipper in Moody 31, an easily handled boat
built for British conditions. Cost £375, transport available, for information Tel Lyn Ballard 01684 540142, or write to Lyn Ballard, New Winnings, Walwyn Rd, Colwall Malvern WR13 6QB




May your luff grooves slide smoothly and your seacocks be continent - Happy Sailing!