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RYA Club Affiliation
Number: 008110946

Only a few weeks remain until Christmas, and then the New Year brings fresh delights! It's time for the 'Penguin
Pack' to fall through the letterbox, and to find out the gossip of last year and what lies in store for next.

We said goodbye and thanks to Simon Hamilton as the Club Commodore, after five years' able leadership, at
the 2008 AGM and Reunion. He'll be able to relax and enjoy the next one! Yours truly was appointed in his
place, again with a view for serving for five years – if you'll have me! Already it seems ages ago. Our faithful
team of The Frays, Ballards, Marion Percy, The Ceilidh band, The Waltons, Stills, and all those who make the
Reunion Ceilidh such a success will be back on 10th January 2009. Do try to come – it starts the year in good
stead, and it is great to see you all.

We have had yet another enjoyable sailing year, cleverly avoiding the absent summer, doing typical Penguin
activities including exploring new grounds and our first 'Land Cruise'.

The year's activities started, as ever, with Easter in Scotland. David Newman organised and Richard Gatley was
Commodore Afloat. Taking the Southerly option, with three yachts from Dunstaffnage, the 'Whisky Isles' were
well investigated.

Next was our 'Land Cruise' – the Club's 20th and Kevin's 90th celebrations held on a campsite at Llangorse Lake
near Brecon. We wined and dined 60 on a gorgeous weekend, with boating activities aplenty. Kevin and Ruth
enjoyed a 'double' Canadian canoe cruise courtesy of the Ottos. Speeches, cake and Antarctic toasts finished off
the evening celebrations.

Lyn Ballard took a pair of boats to Brittany – and even brought them back – shooting Le Raz Du Sein during a
10-day period in June. A great time was had by all, and there are some great photos on the web.
Finally, The Faroes! Faroese chart translation, plummeting exchange rates, and a novice charterer did not
impair the enjoyment of this new and fantastic cruising ground. Graham Room did a great job of organising,
and Simon Hamilton was Commodore Afloat – even posing as the fairy at the top of the Christmas tree, at one
point, when doing some masthead adjustments!

Two other 'Penfin/Puffguin' cruises were enjoyed – one to the BVI in, I think, February, and a successful raid
over to the Scillies in July.

Your pack contains the details of the cruises for the forthcoming year: Easter from Armadale (actually at Easter
this year), David Newman's long promised Aoelian Islands cruise, and a family trip to the East Coast led by
Quentin Hayes. Take your pick, but book quickly – these are all expected to be popular cruises.

The year has seen changes too – I hope for the better. David Newman has revamped the website, having taken
over from James Raby – thank you, both – and I have introduced email newsletters to keep in touch. I'm afraid
that this may be news to some of you – unfortunately our contact data does not keep up with the rapidity of
email address changes. If you have not received them, please contact the Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The mailing is in A5 window form this year, so please check the back of the green form for what details we have
for you. If our data are wrong, please tell us! For those who are interested in what you missed, the Newsletters
are reproduced on the website in the news section.

I look forward to being the club 'figurehead' over the next four years (one down already…), [is there a prow
sturdy enough worthy enough? we ask – Ed.] but I should like to emphasise that a club is only as good as its
members. So if you have ideas, suggestions, criticisms – please tell us. With the email Newsletters we are trying
to keep in better contact, and we are looking at surveys to clarify the wishes of members. We might even have
the option of sending the mailing electronically to those who would like it so. Do let us know!
See you in January!

Jonty Pearce, Commodore