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RYA Club Affiliation
Number: 008110946

It is with some surprise that I notice that this is the eleventh of these Newsletters. In some ways, it feels as if I’ve done more, and in other ways less! A lot has happened since I became Commodore – not least the loss of not only Kevin, but latterly Ruth too. Her Service was very well attended, and as always despite being a neighbour I learnt many things I never knew about her. What a life! But, what a way to go. Jonathan, Jane, Myra, Sarah and a myriad of grandchildren masterminded a glorious sendoff, followed by the usual Walton bunfight in the Village Hall.

The Committee meeting was held the weekend after the final cruise – The Scillies. Phil Biggin led his troop of three boats safely out and back. With no problems, this was a lovely cruise to a group of magic islands. Mind you, they may be idyllic, but they are dangerous. Jackie sent me a picture of a boat we nearly chartered sitting on the hard at Falmouth rather short in the keel department. Apparently a charter group left the keel on rocks in the Scillies. They sailed back but failed to report their grounding. The next group took the boat out, but on return complained about its performance and stability! Cornish Cruising retrieved the keel from the relevant rocks, and I expect the charter group might not be welcome again.

I must pass my thanks to all the organisers, commodores and skippers who have enabled a very successful season – The Kevin Walton Memorial Easter cruise with 6 yachts, Menorca with 6 yachts over 2 weeks, and Scilly with 3 boats. 15 boat weeks and nearly 100 crew members is one of our busier seasons.

For your pleasure next year, we have for your delicitation a multiplication of cruises. Well, Old Time Music Hall Speak aside, we have Easter in the Hebrides, St Kilda in the Summer, and The Aegean in the Autumn. Simon Hamilton has agreed to organise two (possibly three) boats from Skye starting Sat 16/4/2011 and finishing on Easter Saturday a week later – Easter is very late this coming year. I’m arranging to take Isle Of Skye’s three largest yachts to St Kilda on July 9th for a week, and Mike Webb is arranging a fortnight (can be split) in the Aegean from September 16th to the 30th. Further details for all will be in the Annual mailing towards the end of the month. But be quick to book – this coming year we have only 9 boat weeks, and around 60 berths.

And after the excitement of the mailing – the AGM and Ceilidh. We had a remarkable attendance despite the snow and ice last year, but I’d like to try and promote this event more. To this end, while we are not changing the general format, to ring the changes I have booked a different ceilidh band and will install a barrel of best local beer rather than cans. In addition we are going to hold a ‘Sailing Forum’ during the gap between the AGM and the meal open to all interested parties to explore ideas, problems that may have occurred for the skippers during the season, and general sailing discussion. This will be in the side room and will be a very informal open door event. So do try to support us – the more the merrier. Put the date in your diary now – 15th January 2011.

Till then, keep your Sou’Wester firmly tied and your warmest undies dry. I won’t wish you Happy Christmas just yet – I need to get the 4th Newsletter this year first to make it a round Dozen. That means I’ll have done 3 years of my five year sentence… anybody want to be the next Commodore in 2013??

Jonty Pearce, Club Commodore.